Monday, September 15, 2008

Power Praise Radio Promotes Becky Carey Music

Power Praise Radio has spun 5 songs from Becky’s debut CD, “I Wait For You”...

“I Got Joy” on Power Praise Radio Show #2

“Call the Name of Jesus” on Power Praise Radio Show #4

“I Shall Sing” on Power Praise Radio Show #7 and Power Praise Radio Show #26

“It’s All For You” on Power Praise Radio Show #11

“Reawakened” on Power Praise Radio Show #21

This outstanding syndicated radio show is produced in western Canada by longtime radio veterans Ray Gauthier and Adrian Scott.

Power Praise Radio is playing on FM, AM and Internet Radio Stations around the globe. Check out some of their affiliates here: Power Praise Radio Affiliates

The weekly shows can be streamed online and are available for free download at iTunes. Check it out here: Power Praise Radio Stream

“Thanks Ray and Adrian for a job well done in spreading the love and fame of Jesus through music by indie recording artists like me. Your support has been very encouraging.

Blessings to you both!”


Monday, August 18, 2008

Connecting in Nashville With God and Other Amazing Artists!

My week in Nashville at the end of March for the CIA Summit, Tom Jackson Seminar, and CMS Songwriters Boot Camp was great! God once again covered me in safety as I drove alone 2 days up and back. I have come to look forward to the long drives...just the Lord and me and some of my favorite Christian music artists playing on the stereo. It is a time of intense prayer, meditation and praise.

Once there and events began rolling, God’s voice clearly spoke to my spirit about some things I am to pursue in regards to ministry, music and writing. Actually, that is putting it lightly...God shouted things to my spirit and lit a holy fire in me in regards to what I am to do in music and ministry. More info on that will be coming.

The CMS Productions Nashville Songwriters Bootcamp proved to be a very inspiring event beginning with the opening keynote speech by the amazing Rick Cua. Other featured mentors were Charlie Peacock, Casey McGinty of EMI, Chad Segura of WORD, Steve Rice of Integrity, Scott and Christine Dente from “Out of the Grey”, and many more representatives from the CCM industry. I soaked in a ton of great information on the art and business of song writing and later in the day, my song, “Call the Name of Jesus” was critiqued by Christine Dente and Casey McGinty. I’ve never participated in an open class critique like this and it was a bit nerve wracking but I knew that no matter what, it would be a growing experience. It surprisingly ended up being very affirming as my song, production and vocals received great reviews from both Christine and Casey and accolades from many of the class members as well. I am still a bit surprised that I am writing music that it is getting such positive reactions. This I never imagined.

The Tom Jackson Seminar was the most unique seminar I have ever been too. What a character he is! He is also a expert on stage production and I look forward to implementing his great ideas!
Keith and all the folks at IndieHeaven went over and above my expectations in the production of the CIA Summit. Two days of challenging teachings filled my imagination and spirit with even more creative ideas and affirmed once again several things God has been leading me towards doing in ministry. I will share more as things develop. It is great to have your steps ordered by the Lord!

The Momentum Awards were the perfect topping to an awesome week! No, I did not win an award but I certainly felt like a winner when my name was announced and flashed across the numerous big screens and applause and cheers from my peers rang out. It was a surreal and overwhelming moment!

One of the most fulfilling things about the entire week was the fantastic fellowship I shared with some amazing artists with huge hearts for God. Rooming with Belinda Jane was a blast and making new friends with artists like Bill Petty, Craig Whitaker, Jamie Thietten, Kerri Crocker, Shelly Wilson, Steven Coy Cook, Chris Carder, Jolene Riley, Shelly from Journey Home, John Gillespie, Stephanie Newton, Harry Offutt, Kerensa Gray, Marq-Paul J. LaRose, and Della was the icing on the cake!

Jolene Riley, Belinda Jane and Becky Carey

Stephanie Newton and Belinda Jane– my CSR sisters

Stephanie, Eric, Becky, Belinda and Craig
...some of Creative Soul Records (CSR) family

Best buds Becky and Belinda Jane

All in all, God tremendously blessed me during my time in Nashville and I am fired up and hungry for more of Him! I know as I continue to passionately pursue Him, He will continue to empower and bless my endeavors.

May I ask you… are you really believing God at His Word these days? If not, then why not?

Check this out…

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”
...Hebrews 11:6

Isn’t that great news?! We are not in this Christian race alone! Try believing He is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do and then earnestly seek and love Him with all your heart, mind and strength and behold the blessings that come from being His vessel! Take time to pray and connect with God to find out what it is that He wants you to do. You do not have to have a musical talent to be greatly used and blessed of God! The people behind the scenes in God’s economy are as important in God’s plans as those in the public view like myself. Each of God’s children has a unique purpose and place to fill for God. It is amazing that He even chooses any of us to be used, but He does, and then we are blessed when we serve Him. Try Him and see that God is so good!

God Was In the House! are some photos that I shared in "From my Heart to Yours", which is my newsletter that I send out to my email list. An amazing thing happened the evening I sang at this concert. For the first time ever, my accompaniment music stopped in the middle of a song because of an equipment problem...BUT...I just kept on singing and the audience loved it and many got on their feet or shouted out to encourage me to keep on going. It was awesome!

In preparation for this concert, I had been battling whether or not I should take liberty by taking time to speak and share from my heart something that God had been had been burdening me with in regards to my community but I had decided that I should not, because this was Mary's event and not mine. Well...when the technical problems prevented them from beginning my second track right away, it gave me what seemed like 4-5 minutes to share what God had been placing on my heart, which now I believe God wanted me to do all along. I have never felt God's anointing so strongly as I did that night! Many people came up to me and said that what happened and what I said was an amazing moment of God's power that they were glad to be a part of. Several people claimed that they never even heard the music accompaniment stop playing. Go figure? With God, anything is possible.

God was definitely in the house there at the Key West High School auditorium...proof that He inhabits the praises of His people wherever they are!

Moments of Grace Remembered from

the Mary Alessi Concert

Feb. 22, 2008

Mary Alessi and Becky Carey

Backstage at KWHS

Mary is from Miami, Florida

Jackie Williams

from Key West

Singing “Amazing Grace”

Elizabeth Stamper

From Kentucky

Singing “Holy Ground”

Becky Carey
“I Got Joy”

Friends and Sisters in Christ...

Elizabeth, Jackie and Becky

Friday, March 21, 2008

An Invitation to Join the Family!

Hey there! Happy Easter to you!!

My prayer for you today is for you to be drawn closer to God so that you may experience an amazing amount of His love and grace this week as you celebrate what Jesus has done for you and me!

My sister, Pat, and I were rejoicing the other day, not only in the cross, but in the full realization that Christ fought beyond the death on the cross. He bore the full repulsive breadth, depth and weight of our sin and then continued on to successfully battle and defeat Satan and death on our behalf. It’s hard to imagine why He would love us so much but He does. Praise His Name! Because of what He has willingly done for you and me, we are free from that punishment and can live under grace…but only if…we believe, confess and receive Jesus as Savior!

On top of that good news is the fact that Christ rose from the grave and lives! He is seated in Heaven and is presently interceding for His followers…those that have received Him as Lord and Savior. He is our Redeemer…past, present and future! Hallelujah!

My goodness, what a relief to know I am free! On top of that, it is amazing that I can know Him, my Lord, my Heavenly Father God and that He cares to know about me…every detail! I can approach His throne of grace boldly with my requests, supplications and prayers all because of Jesus Christ. There is no need to try to carry the weight and stress that inevitably come in living life all by myself. Jesus says in the Bible to cast my cares on Him! When I remember to do that, I am able to experience joy even in the midst of life’s messes!

“Who is like the Lord? Nobody! Who is like the Lord? No, no, no, no, NOBODY!” …Ooops, I started singing. It's what I do ya know? Awesome song, by the way ;-)

I hope you know Him and have discovered the freedom, joy, peace and love that I have found in Him. If you don’t know Him, receive Him now. Don’t delay…come to Him, just as you are. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will come for you. Then you will understand what a big deal Easter really is!

If you are still with me, let me say it is not by happenstance that you are reading this. If God is speaking to your heart and you believe that Jesus died for your sins and you are ready to trust in Him as Savior then simply pray…

“Dear God,
I admit that I am not perfect and that I have sinned. I believe you sent your son, Jesus, who although was free from sin, willingly died on the cross for mine. I am so thankful for what You have done and accept you, Jesus, as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for forgiving me and for loving me. Help me now to learn more about what being your follower, a Christian, really means. I love you Lord. Amen.”

If you just received Christ as Savior for the first time, the angels are rejoicing with you! Please be sure and write me and share your story with me of what God has done and is doing in your life. Here’s my email address:

I want to rejoice with you. Even without knowing you, I know that this is the best thing that you have ever done. Welcome to the family of God…my new brother or sister! I would also like to send you a special gift to commemorate this moment in your life and to encourage you to grow deeper in your relationship with Him.

Keep your chin up and your eyes on Christ and remember…
You are loved!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Becky Opening in Concert with Mary Alessi

Hello Everyone. If you are in Key West this coming Friday, Feb. 22, come join us as we rock out the house in praise for our Lord at the Key West High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM. It is FREE ADMISSION so get there early to get a seat. I will be singing right before Mary. Be sure and check out Mary and her music at her website:

If you can't make it, please be in prayer for us as we claim that public school venue in worship for Christ and let the devil know that Christ is Lord in Key West!